Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Over 1,000!

Any person that trolls the Internet enough will hear 9,000 in their head when they read that title. ^_^

I have an image for you!

Now part of the reason I like having my blog here is because of the nifty little stats and overview pages. The title is over 1,000 because I managed 1,008 views. Surprise surprise. I love looking at the traffic sources because they provide me a great source of amusement. The other day someone googled "zombie poop images" and that referred them here. I also like to see the referring URL's there were a few porn sites listed before and I was very confused. I didn't think there was anything here that would have migrated to porn, although eyeball licking and such is supposed to be a fetish. 0.o I'm not really surprised. Rule 34 (There is porn of it). If there is porn of it then it is probably a fetish somewhere.

This time the keywords that linked me were kind of funny so I thought I'd share them. "Zombie jokes" isn't too bad but it interests me that someone is out there trying to find some. The next one amuses me. Some random person out there decided to go tell google something and see what it said back "Sometimes I think I am a genius". Me too random stranger, me too.

The last one though really, really amuses me. Some random nerd is out there trying to figure out how long a troll is pregnant before it gives birth. I wonder why? I have a host  of ideas, maybe it was someone playing a game, or it's some kind of fetish, or maybe it's a character of theirs. I'm not sure but the fact someone tried to find out if there was a legitimate set period is infinitely amusing to me. (And in case you are wondering why the gestation period of a troll would lead someone to my blog, it's the title of a previous entry: Gestation period of the Troll Hive.)

If you've read Cleaning digital and otherwise, you know the "David Bowie is very disappointed in you" bleeding through the tab, is my desktop. I think perhaps it is time that I attempted to explain that. Being on the Internet constantly, I tend to have computer ADD, I jump from one thing to another all the time. Case in point: the tabs I have open. I was supposed to be doing school work and then got distracted with the blog and here I am. So I put the David Bowie image as my background in an effort to remind me to keep on task. I always see it peeking through my bar at the top of my page so there really is no escaping his disappointment. It works rather well most of the time. I'm not really sure why. Perhaps it is the humor involved, or maybe I secretly worship David Bowie and the Moon: as opposed to George Carlin's Joe Pesci and the Sun. I'd imagine David Bowie and the Moon are disappointed in me a lot. I get distracted too easily...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gestation period of the Troll Hive

I don't think I've mentioned what is happening with this move so let me try to break it down for you. The Man's dad has big house that belonged to The Man's grandma, yes?  Want to keep house in family, rent house. To rent house must have room mates. Invite Troll friends. The Troll Hive is Born.

In case you don't understand what I mean by trolls I mean the type of trolling done on the internet in real life. The things said should often not be said and the jokes are always on someone. Don't Feed the Trolls has meaning here. This is the Gestation period of the Troll Hive. The head honcho is here (I'm not sure if that would be The Man or I), and The Hive is somewhat under construction for the rest of the trolls. There was joking discussion of having cameras in the public rooms for internet streaming of our troll-ness, and this is where the name Troll Hive came from.

At the moment The Mans dad and step-mother are still here packing, and getting ready for their move into their new house so it is tedious having them here. For the time being the two cats we have are locked in our room until the grumpy one leaves (the grumpy one being The Man's stepmother) because she does not like cats.

I don't have a job anymore so I have spent some time demolishing walls that need to be replaced. I get to run in and tear down drywall. I feel all happy about it "yay hunks of drywall on the floor!" Pulling nails for hanging new drywall isn't as much fun as tearing old drywall out but it isn't as bad as hanging new drywall.

On another note, The Man has gotten back into playing Magic The Gathering. If you aren't familiar it's a nerdy card game. I'm okay with this because as always I am the supportive girlfriend. I like he has hobbies to enjoy. I've started playing with him but I am not sure how I feel about it. We played for 6 hours yesterday and I lost all but the last. I think I played for so long because I needed to beat him at least once before I could feel satisfied enough to stop playing with them. It's interesting to say the least. I don't mind getting my butt kicked a lot but I need to win one or I don't feel like I have accomplished anything. I feel like a kid running around saying "neener, neener, neeeeener!" For some reason those childish things sometimes give me greater satisfaction than anything, even being right doesn't compare to saying neener neener. I guess it is more humorous than saying I told you so or something.