Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Downloading in Progress

I'm working on images for everyone in the house but two new people have moved in so it is hectic. This brings the house count to 9 if you've been following at all.

The Obnoxious One and TrollDiva
*NEW* The Beard. He has a beard, he is a cave troll, and he likes Ponies.
Dumbell and Coffee Monster
The Man and Yours Truly (ME dummy!)
Iron Man
*NEW* Dude (Name in progress), Big guy, really into politics, kind of a survivalist but he gives off a serious surfer vibe.

Did I mention The Obnoxious One and The Beard are brothers? Yea well, they are. Iron man has a chocobo chirp as a sound on his phone, I think for texts. Since his room is next to mine I often hear the chocobo chirping in the other room. It makes me smile. I only thought of it because I just heard it chirping. 0.o

Dude is harder for me to describe, he has moved a huge emergency stash of food into the basement. He has a lot of survival gear and he really likes guns. He is also very into politics and he is an activist in his chosen "whatevers". This is really at odds with his laid back manner of speaking and shoulder length hair, which gives him a very "Surfer Dude" kind of vibe. I don't think anyone has ever seen him frown. 0.0

The Beard. What I said earlier about him is a pretty good summary, did I mention he likes Ponies? Yes well, he does and The Obnoxious One hates them on principle. I like them well enough as long as they stay sweet and innocent. I bought a pack of Pony stickers in Wal-mart for a dollar and slipped them into the crack of his door so they would stick out over the doorknob. Forgot to ask if he liked them.

I got pictures drawn for the Five people on the main floor. If you've read some of my previous entries you have seen myself and The Man. I will add Iron Man and Dude later.

So there they are, now mind you my crappy doodles are not an accurate representation of what they look like; they are just a face to go with a name here. I tried to get hair and eye colors right where I could. If they wear glasses I drew them with glasses, but I figure a gist is better than nothing at all.

I've been glued to neopets again. They have this war thing going on where you can join a faction. I joined The Awakened, the faction of undead lead by Xweetok twins that make me think of the twins in the Shining. *Come play with us Sammie, Come play with us*

They are undead obsessed with battling for the obelisk because they believe there is cake inside. Everyone else is there for the usual things, riches, knowledge, or power. We just want some cake dammit. I drew a picture of the twins the other day because it was stuck in my head and I couldn't do anything else if I didn't draw them first. I'll show that to you!

Well that about sums up everything in a nutshell. Enjoy!