Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Working things out.

So I have three or four blog entries laid out on paper and I need to fabricate the images for them. I also need to create an entry about pixie so everyone can get to know her. The Obnoxious One and TrollDiva have decided to move out; it seems they have found something that is more within their comfortable budget range. Also Dude will be moving back with his parents because his father just had a major surgery and Dude is needed.

So this means the TrollHive will be populated with Yours Truly, The Man, IronMan, Dobby, The Nord, Pixie, and The Beard.

On a more interesting note I discovered something interesting today that I did not know. I am particularly fond of a duo titled "The Dresden Dolls" The song linked here is NSFW, and you probably won't want any children in the room either. The point is I like the odd styling and the content is warped enough it suites my humor. I discovered that this Amanda Palmer, is married to Neil Gaiman. If you watched Coraline then you know of Neil Gaiman. The two seem perfectly suited for each other and I was not in the least surprised. It did interest me though.

To switch to the topic of this blog, I have been contemplating a video entry because it is hard to get a gauge of my humor through writing since much of it also involves my body. I am a very...animated speaker and it is something that gets lost when writing blog entries. I don't intend to switch to vlogging or any other such thing, I enjoy the writing and I enjoy my art work. I simply thought it would be a good gesture to let people have an image to go along with the printed word.

I have also been deep in thought the past few days about what type of content should be in this video entry and how I should go about creating it. So in a nutshell I have been rather preoccupied lately, and for that I truly apologize. If it is any consolation at all, at least now it is known what I intend to do in the future....and hopefully it is in the NEAR future rather than some unknown variable of time in the equation.