Thursday, May 29, 2014

Oo Shinies..

Recap at the TrollHive, people have moved out, people have moved in. So, we have myself, The Man, IronMan, Dobby and his girlfriend who I have yet to find a creative name for. We also have another fellow who has moved in for whom I have no name.  The Nord and Pixie now have a little prince of their own who was born Friday May 23.  The beard is still here and so is Mr. Bubbles.

Did I mention at any point that I am working on a Master's degree? I don't remember. I remember it has been a while since I posted and since I was thinking of it I thought I would do that while I have a week off from school.

Also, I managed to get a lot of work done out in the yard this past week so I am feeling rather accomplished.  Anyone who knows me personally knows the random mix of music I have. I use the free version of pandora and I have 100 stations which is the maximum you are allowed to have on the free version. Most of which are different. I'll share some of my music on facebook. You should find me there and see what I like. ERMERGHERD FACEBOOK. 
Check there might catch me on. :)

Damn spiders are coming in doors. Was cuddling the man and I had one skitter across my face.




Normally I'm chill with spiders I'll still squish them because you never know if it could be poisonous but I don't usually shriek over them. I shriek over flying bugs with stingers. I have long bright red hair. Flying things like my hair. They get stuck in it. If something buzzes by my head I run away shrieking like there is a fire breathing pterodactyl chasing me.