Saturday, August 4, 2012

Customer Service

Warning: This post probably won't be so much funny as relatable.

Anyone that has worked with the general public knows what kind of butt heads there are out there. Some people just can't be pleased no matter how hard you try. Many times at the end of the day I end up feeling so defeated because I am forced to plaster a kind face on and be nice to people treating me like garbage.

Right now I have a menial job as a register jockey. What people don't seem to understand is I do more that just run a register. I clean, stock, front and face, take orders, handle cash, and do paper work. On top of this I have to plaster a kind face on and be nice to people that yell at me for things that are not my fault. For example: if they come in and don't know what pump they are on I have to do my best to figure out which one it is. I always ask to verify "That red truck over there?", "The tiny black car up here?" I only have 10 pumps to begin with so it usually isn't that hard. Sometimes people are busy chatting with other customers or yapping away on their cell phones. When I ask, I get the verification and put it on the pump. Sometimes its the wrong pump. When that happens I usually end up with a situation kind of like this:

When this happens I usually do my best to soothe them. Despite the fact I know it was their own mistake, I have to placate them and accept the blame for something that was not my fault to begin with.

While this is going on, I generally have a plethora of ideas going through my mind.

Generally, I'm thinking if they had shut their facehole for five seconds and paid attention to what I was asking this mistake would not have happened. I often find myself wondering why people continue to go into the same store if they have as many problems in that specific store as they claim. Finally, I usually wonder if they come in so often how is it they aren't aware that a manager is frequently not present?

However, I usually end the conversation by being a weenie. I soothe their irritated nerves, take the blame, fix whatever problem they may be having if it is within my power to do so then I tell them:

Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a wimp when it comes to my job, but I'm really a pushover.

Oh well. I drew some things to cheer myself up you wanna see what they are?

Doesn't that make you happy too?

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