Saturday, December 8, 2012

Randomness: Skyrim and other video games

Mostly I was bored and I know I need to get back into keeping up on my blog. :) So far the Troll Hive has been an enriching experience. There are a lot of kinks we are still working out and such but there is also much fun to be had.

I have been spending a great deal of time playing Skyrim. I'm not sure whether I like it or it's just the most interesting thing to do at the time but I have about 80+ hours in it right now. Apparently, I am really funny to watch play because I talk back to the TV.

You're in a town walking around and people talk to you as you pass. I say things back to them. The other day it was a guard "I would be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead". I said "well go to a bar then and get the hell out of my face".

I'm kind of a spell caster but I frequently use light armor with a shield and one handed weapon or a bow. I can't face things head on, they pwn me in the face. With their face. It's bad. So I will sprint or Wuld off and climb up on the side of a mountain or some really craggy rocks and maneuver into a position where whatever it is cannot get to me. Then I zap it or burninate it until it dies. I am also fond of scaling mountains and getting into crevices to pick enemies off with a fire enchanted glass bow. I think I hurt brains. Sometimes when I go do a quest or clear a cave I get over encumbered with epic loots. None of which I want to drop for fear it won't be there when I get back, so I Wuld myself to the nearest city and sell or disenchant items, because you can't fast travel when over encumbered.

I don't make it a habit to carry a lot of junk either. I have a few pieces of armor and weapons I switch between depending on the situation, some healing potions, and lots of lockpicks. Generally, that's all I carry on me when trolling around. It's maybe 127 lbs of my 465 limit.

Anywhosl. I like games, (Imagine that statement in the derpiest voice possible, flailing T-Rex arms, and stupid grin :D). I got into Persona 4 for a while. I like Ninja Gaiden for XBox, I love most RPG's. I played and beat Catherine which was really fun. I collect games and game systems by the way, not sure if I ever mentioned that before. I have a Sega Genesis, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Playstation, Playstation 2, XBox 360, and a metric AssTon of games. One of my favorites for the original XBox was Jet Set Radio Future. I also played Panzer Dragoon: Orta. Much loves for those games. I want to get a Wii so I can play some of the Zelda games, Epic Micky, and Kirby's Epic Yarn. I also have a Nintendo DS which has a bad case of the floppy screen and makes me SadFace. I still play it quite a bit. I like the Cooking and Gardening Mama games. I beat the heck out of Atelier Annie. I play Animal Crossing, Viva Pinata (which btw I am obsessed with I have 3 of them for the 360), Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, Scribblenauts (super fun), Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, and Rune Factory which is a Harvest Moon fantasy/RPG kind of game. I have some other piddly things I like to play for mindless entertainment Imagine Makeup Artist, Brain quest for 3rd and 4th graders, Brain Age, Jojo's Fashion Show, Chocolatier, CSI: Dark Motives, stuff like that. I play a lot of different types of games. I'm not great with FPS, I like to play sometimes but I'm not really that good at them (Except Perfect Dark for the 64 much fun is had with Farsights and Darks Sims). Racing games pretty much the same. Flight simulators nauseate me. I mostly like puzzles and RPG's but I'll try any game at least once to see if I like it. One of my favorite games of all time is Mortal Kombat Trilogies, although Deception makes a close second for me. Off to Skyrim with me.

p.s. In case you were wondering why I haven't been drawing any awesome images lately, It's because I haven't set up my new desktop completely yet. :) But to appease you, here is a photo of our mailbox.

Photo: We've decided that since there are too many names to be put on the mailbox, we'd simply dub it the "Trollhive".

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