Thursday, September 26, 2013

Some Random Information For You.

I like horror movies and television shows. I laugh if someone startles me and I have been making efforts to startle people in the house or just generally be creepy. The Nord gets up really early for work. Yesterday morning I went down to go to the bathroom and it was chilly so I had a dark green sheet wrapped around me. I heard The Nord shuffling around in his room and froze in the hallway. I was considering crouching down and scuttling into the dining room to hide behind the table when he opened the door. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his door handle so I just put my arms over my head and brought my hands together to make myself look taller. I heard the door open so I just stayed still. He didn't say anything so I slowly started shuffling down the hall and I didn't hear him move. When I reached the end of the hallway I went ahead and turned around to look at him and we both had a good laugh. He thought it was The Man being weird or something because I had made myself look taller.

Earlier in the morning I had startled The Beard. It was probably 3 a.m. and I heard someone poking around downstairs so I crept down to see who was wandering about. He was standing at the sink getting a drink of water. I stood just inside the kitchen (which also happens to be right next to his cabinets). I didn't say a word just watched. When he turned his eyes were still half closed from sleep and as he got closer they popped open because there was suddenly a person nearby.

Later on I startled Pixie. She was standing in the kitchen making her morning coffee. I wandered in, I guess I was just really quiet. I leaned to the side and looked up as she was pouring the water into the machine and I said "Can you make a little extra for me?" Her reaction was pretty funny because she was still half asleep so she stood up straight, looked right at me, and then facepalmed. I heard her breath come out in one big whoosh and then she laughed and told me not to sneak up on her.

At any given time during the day or night I might pop around a corner or just lurk silently in the room without the lights on. I am infinitely amused by it. I am not so sure everyone else is. They seem to take it in good humor but sometimes I wonder if I am getting on their nerves. 0.o
Nah, there is no way as weird as we all are here I highly doubt it....:P

Monday, September 23, 2013

Eating Paste...

Well before I get into the meat of this entry I wanted to give you a simple doodle of Pixie. She is very petite and she dates The Nord who is probably a good foot and a half taller than her, but they seem happy and that's all that matters. ^_^ Mostly, she is friendly but kind of spacey. Not in a bad way, in the endearing Luna Lovegood kind of way. Although, she can and will get angry if you push her enough: Generally, she's pretty mellow.
Now Let's get on with this entry shall we?

When I was very young (probably still in kindergarten) I tended to have a simplistic view of life, just the same as most children that age group.

I liked finger paints, and artistic things. One of my teachers said on an interim report that I was imaginative and got along well with others but when it came to sharing I had a hard time keeping my stories limited to real life things. In other words I told a lot of tall tales.

So I was an imaginative kid to say the least. At some point we were working on a project in class that required paste. I'm not even sure if schools use paste anymore.

It was Elmer's Glue Paste.
It was a white bottle-looks like a plastic jar. The cap was that bright orange characteristic of Elmer's. The cap had a little knob for holding and when you opened it there was a flat stick attached to the inside lid for scooping the paste out of the jar and smooshing it on things. The paste itself looked thick and gritty.

It smelled funny like Elmer's glue usually smells. I was busily smearing the paste all over a piece of paper-I don't even remember what I was trying to make-I just remember spattering it all over the page with great joy.
I stopped because a sound had caught my attention. It sounded like someone eating, so I turned to look behind me. I'm not sure what I expected to see, maybe I was hoping someone had candy or ice cream. Instead there was a little boy.

He was shoveling paste into his mouth like it was the most amazing thing he had ever eaten in his life. That image has stuck with me this long, I don't think I will be forgetting it any time soon.

I thought maybe it was one of those things that smells weird but tastes pretty good like vegetables or Chinese food. He looked like he was enjoying it after all...
As a matter of fact, he made that paste look like it was the best thing a person would ever taste. I figured if he enjoyed it so much it couldn't taste that bad.

~Now perhaps part of my problem these days is the fact I have not lost that open-minded simplicity most children have. If someone else likes it, well I might as well give it a try. Unless it is some kind of bodily waste I do have to draw a line somewhere~

Anyway, I figured if he liked it so much it was certainly worth a try. I was pretty excited by this point. This is potentially something delicious and I had a whole jar of it available for my pleasure. At this point, it seemed kind of like a child's version of the Holy Grail:
I have this saved as "ElmersHolyPaste" in case you were wondering.

  I dipped the little stick into the jar and dug out a big healthy heap of paste. Obviously it still smelled weird so I decided to be more cautious with this new delicacy. Instead of stuffing the paste into my mouth like the boy behind me I stuck out my tongue and licked a little off the dipstick..
I promptly spat the paste out and stared at the boy confusedly. It is-to date- the most horrendous tasting thing I have ever had the displeasure of attempting to eat. I imagine if Desperation and Hate got together and made a gritty, chunky, pudding it would taste like Elmer's Glue Paste.

So here is my warning to you: Never eat paste, it's disgusting.