Thursday, September 26, 2013

Some Random Information For You.

I like horror movies and television shows. I laugh if someone startles me and I have been making efforts to startle people in the house or just generally be creepy. The Nord gets up really early for work. Yesterday morning I went down to go to the bathroom and it was chilly so I had a dark green sheet wrapped around me. I heard The Nord shuffling around in his room and froze in the hallway. I was considering crouching down and scuttling into the dining room to hide behind the table when he opened the door. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his door handle so I just put my arms over my head and brought my hands together to make myself look taller. I heard the door open so I just stayed still. He didn't say anything so I slowly started shuffling down the hall and I didn't hear him move. When I reached the end of the hallway I went ahead and turned around to look at him and we both had a good laugh. He thought it was The Man being weird or something because I had made myself look taller.

Earlier in the morning I had startled The Beard. It was probably 3 a.m. and I heard someone poking around downstairs so I crept down to see who was wandering about. He was standing at the sink getting a drink of water. I stood just inside the kitchen (which also happens to be right next to his cabinets). I didn't say a word just watched. When he turned his eyes were still half closed from sleep and as he got closer they popped open because there was suddenly a person nearby.

Later on I startled Pixie. She was standing in the kitchen making her morning coffee. I wandered in, I guess I was just really quiet. I leaned to the side and looked up as she was pouring the water into the machine and I said "Can you make a little extra for me?" Her reaction was pretty funny because she was still half asleep so she stood up straight, looked right at me, and then facepalmed. I heard her breath come out in one big whoosh and then she laughed and told me not to sneak up on her.

At any given time during the day or night I might pop around a corner or just lurk silently in the room without the lights on. I am infinitely amused by it. I am not so sure everyone else is. They seem to take it in good humor but sometimes I wonder if I am getting on their nerves. 0.o
Nah, there is no way as weird as we all are here I highly doubt it....:P

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