Thursday, September 20, 2012

4 Pet Peeves

I have pet peeves. I think everyone has pet peeves. The toilet paper for example. What side the toilet paper rolls from is a big pet peeve for a lot of people. Another one is how you squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube. I have a list of some of mine to share.

1). Moochers. People that use up all your stuff and never replace it. The kind of person that magically shows up when you've bought the good food and disappears when nothing but ramen is left. They wanna bum a smoke, they want to have a beer, they want to stay for dinner, or they want to go out in the evenings. They never have money and they never bother to replace anything they use. 0.0 We all have at least one friend like that. A lot of times that friend is "good people" he or she is just very stupid with money.

2). Scoopers and double dippers. You know what I mean when you share from a public bowl of dip double dipping and scooping is just rude and kind of gross. When it comes to the scoopers-damn! Save some for everyone else, you only need a little bit to taste it, stop being greedy. As far as double dippers, unless it's you and a "fluid mate" don't double dip. No one wants your saliva in their food, it's disgusting.

3). People that always want some of your food. Doesn't matter if they just ate a giant sub or something like that. If you have a tasty snack they suddenly want some of what you have. Again why be so greedy, can't I eat in peace? I didn't get enough to share I just wanted a snack quit staring at me like a dog begging for food.

4). People that get louder to talk over you because no one is paying attention to them. I'm the kind of person when someone does that to me I stop talking until they shut their pie hole. After that I always say something like "oh where was I? I can't remember since I was interrupted in the middle of a thought". If I'm feeling especially grumpy I'll say "Excuse me, grown-ups are talking".

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