Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Job Hunting and Stuff.

So I've been bombarding the world with my resume and/or applications. Ideally I would like something I can do from the comfort of my own home. I have all the appropriate equipment. I even have a virtual fax. 0.0

Anyway, I've been seriously contemplating doing all manner of interwebby things for money but who knows how that will go. I have profiles all over the place for jobs, including Monster. I keep getting some junky things from Monster.

Kind of like this. I don't trust someone when the "from" area has a standard email and not a business or something. The "to" doesn't even have my email, and the body requested I send more of my personal information if I was interested. Address, phone number, and a bunch of other stuff. Really now? I wonder sometimes.

Ever watched the movie Idiocracy? It's a smart persons worst nightmare. Scariest horror movie I've ever seen, everywhere I look I see the Idiocracy Apocalypse looming nearer.

The dumb people are breeding like rabbits. Soon it will be the Zombie apocalypse but they aren't dead. Oh no. They are just too stupid to do anything but eat and Sh!t. I'm glad I will be long gone when the day comes people sit in reclining toilet chairs, eating lard, drinking random soft drink from a helmet sippy cup, watching shows like "Jersey Shore The Heir of Snooki".


I was.

Talking about.

JOBS. Forget the stupid people.
Yes. Raging temporarily over. This job hunting is frustrating. I have a job, but I hate it. Anyone that has spent a long time hunting jobs know the "Don't call us we'll call you" line is virtually the kiss of death. I wish I could Ghost Dad people that say that. Squeeze through the phone line and wring their necks. "JUST SAY YOU AREN'T INTERESTED! THE POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED! I DON'T LIKE YOUR FUCKING FACE! ANYTHING! JUST. NOT. THAT!" Meh.

I internet far too much, then hang out with nerds A LOT. I have interweb memes for a vocabulary. ERMAHGERD! Not proper English all the time. Not sorry. No fucks to give today. Fresh out.

Sometimes when I interview and they ask "What are you looking for" or something like that I'm sure I get this look on my face:

To find monkeys. What do you think I'm here for. :|

I know what they actually mean is what am I looking to get out of working for said company besides a paycheck. I'm not sure how people expect a person to interview well if the person doing the interview is a gidget. *Sigh* Now I am just going to inundate you with some of my favorite memes.

Me Gusta

Morgan Freeman Voice (Me Gusta!)

Lame Pun Raccoon (or bad joke Raccoon)

Condescending Wonka

Demotivational Posters! This one has always been my favorite.

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