Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I've mentioned before that I play games. For probably the last month or so it has been Skyrim on my Xbox. However, I play games on other systems. Most times I am playing them all at the same time but not all at once. :) Hopefully you just had a fantastic image of someone busily playing several different games at one time.

Anyway, on my phone it's been cycling between games. At first I was really into Plague Inc which is the phone version of Pandemic. I love these games. You are a disease and your goal is to evolve and grow into a plague that kills the human race. Damn Madagascar in Pandemic does not want to die. :|

After Plague Inc, my hobby was Fishing Star. I still play both games I'm just not currently obsessing over them. >.< Currently I am obsessing over Bubble Witch Saga.  I bounce back and forth with games on my phone. Generally, it is whatever is holding my interest at the moment.

On my DS, I recently beat Chocolatier, <--That link, takes you to the one on gamehouse. It's the same game, but if you don't have a DS and want to check it out, there it is. I also went back to playing Gardening Mama. I utterly defeated Cooking Mama 2, having received Gold Stars in everything, there is nothing left for me to accomplish in that game.

But. I've steadily been plodding away at Skyrim on Xbox and it drives me bat shit crazy. I don't know if the game just get's super buggy after a while or if I've done something wrong. In one quest I can't save after a certain point because it freezes my system. When collecting a bounty from Skald, something glitched where it won't clear out of my menus. I collect the bounty and get all my money, but the quest is still there. I did another bounty that required me to collect from Skald and now that one is stuck in there as well.

I had a homeless dude tell me to steal a goddess statue from a temple (on principle I won't usually steal things from temples, perhaps healing potions from time to time). So to clear the quest I go to get it done and those ladies ship me off onto a different quest. The first time I tried to get the statue the ladies stopped me and wouldn't let me continue until they spoke to me. When I stole the statue the quest did not update.

The second time I tried I took the statue and my quest updated. I thought everything was good so I stopped to talk to the one called "The Mother" to initiate that quest before I left. Worked just fine. Well when I walked back to talk to the homeless dude, there was no option to tell him I got the statue for him, and when I checked my quest menu it wasn't there anymore. I was angry.

I also have the most awful luck with getting ganged up on and pwned in the face. Trying to release the Gray-Mane fellow from Thalmor custody and they won't let me in and then a dragon starts flying around. So I think I'll run out a ways and aggro the dragon so he follows me back and can get a little vengeance on these Ass Hats for me. Dragon disappears off my radar and in my gallivanting I almost run headlong into a Snow Bear. But I saw him. So I thought maybe he could kill the gate guard. I run close enough to get his attention and then I run straight at the guard. Then I stop short of the guard and dip around the backside of the abatises they have set up and the Snow Bear runs straight for him. He killed the bear and I was left wondering how I would get into this place without fighting. You see, I tried the fighting method, and I tried walking by him, and both make you fail part of the mission.

I don't like to look things up. I looked in the book for a cave I couldn't find, and I looked in there for house lists, and I looked when I was trying to find where a specific person was. When I looked things up I did not look at anything else and I only skimmed until I found the bit I wanted. I like to do things by myself so I can have a sense of accomplishment about it. *Sigh* Well, I might as well play it for a few hours until everyone get's up or 10 am when I can start being noisy and doing obnoxious chores.

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