Friday, June 21, 2013

Twat Waffles and Twiddle Parties

Apparently people find me to be very amusing when I am tired. Perhaps this is because I don't have a filter for all the random inside my brain.

Talking to Pixie and TrollDiva about lots of assorted things, like the running joke that the ladies throw twiddle parties while the men are away. We once went into great detail about running naked through the house. Wearing party hats and making a lot of noise with our penis-shaped vuvuzela's.

Today, Pixie asked to borrow my lighter so I scrunched up my face and said "No". Then I gestured at my lap and handed it to her while saying "twat lighter". I looked at TrollDiva and smiled saying Pixie was touching my twat and it only seemed fair since Pixie makes me touch her "D" all the time. Which "D" is what she calls her lighter on a tether in case you were wondering. Then I called Pixie a twatwaffle which brought about the conversation of Blue Waffles. Pixie was not aware of the meaning of either so TrollDiva educated Pixie on the matter of Blue Waffles. After which I made commentary to the affect that I was trying to figure out what could cause a Blue Waffle. This in turn spurred TrollDiva to look it up. In case you were wondering about that; there is no known disease that causes it, and it was originally a prank played on a mayor.

TrollDiva is wearing a shirt with cherries on it so I said she was all cherries today. Then I promptly asked if you could pop those cherries. She looked at me in a comically suggestive way and said "you know it". To which I replied " have you guys ever heard that song ' pop that coochay'?" They laughed at me because that was how I said it, and then immediately followed that by saying "I heard it scroll by in my head". Which only served to make them laugh more.

I'm a weirdo.

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