Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Accidental Year-Long Hiatus

I've been on this crazy hiatus from my blog for about a year now and after my recent stay in the hospital for 3 weeks it seemed like a good time to pick up my blog again.

I had a lot of Garbage going on trying to work on my Masters degree and the house it things just became really super overwhelming. So lot's of people have come and gone and we have a set of people here now, most of which have been here for some time. So to start fresh I'm sharing my roomies and petty pets.

So starting from the basement and moving upward is Me and The Man

Just to keep things tidy here are the fluffy butts Perrin my big orange buddy and Lanfear his small dark counterpart.

Perrin is pretty big but he has a little tiny mow, he's very clever but it take him time to work things out. He is very lovable and always manages to be the most chill cat in the world and the most regally pudgy. He is a tentative lap cat. Lanfear is the most lovable, snuggly,  talkative cat ever. She always sounds like she's complaining or crying. She is not really all that smart, she can't open a closed door even if it doesn't latch. She somehow always manages to look like she is resigned to a life of torture and loneliness. She loves belly rubs and can be aggressively affectionate with headbutts and hand grabbing cuddles.

On the next floor up we have our library as the room above me and The Man's room because we got tired of room mates in there keeping us up at night, or overhearing things we did not necessarily want to hear so now it is a library. And we have the TrollHive mascot Ted. We adopted him from a friend who said that she was moving and couldn't take him. She'd also noticed he became more withdrawn after she had kids and she was really concerned he wasn't happy. She didn't want to let him go but she thought here would be a good place if she had to let him go. Ted has really turned around. he used to hide 24/7. Now, he is silly and acts a lot like a dog including aggressively wagging his tail when he is happy. He sniffs like a dog. He sniffs everything. He only likes to be held if you drape him over your shoulder like a towel. Generally, when someone from the Hive introduces Ted they say "This is Ted, he's special". He's affectionate, and playful, and just all around weird. His person said that's how he used to be.

Here is a doodle of Ted.

Then there is The Beard. He was here near the beginning and he is hardened veteran of the TrollHive. There are many reasons he has lasted here so long.

The Hippie is relatively new here. She moved in as a girlfriend of one of the old roomies, but they broke up. He decided to leave and she decided to stay. I like The Hippie, she likes music much older than her, she is very spiritual, she has dreads and lots of tattoos.

Moving to the top floor.
Our newest member is still slowly moving in. She works at the Game
store nearby the TrollHive. One of the youngest people here, but generally she seems happy. I don't know much about her or her personality. I am very introverted and find her presence overwhelming. I am still not entirely sure what her nickname should be. I might call her Play Pal because she likes to cosplay and she's friendly.

In the next room is Dobby, although he doesn't do dobby duties anymore, he has a job, and pays his rent, and now he has a girlfriend.  Dobby's girlfriend has lived here for some time now. She's nice enough. She is wound pretty tight and she cooks a lot of pungent smelling food. Usually, with lots of cheese. I think I might call her Cheesy Chef.

I will update and include the final two pictures tomorrow. My hospital stay has me low on energy and I am very tired these days.

Now there is also Mr.Sarcasm. He has a steady job and in his spare time he acts. We butt heads a lot but he's an okay kinda guy, just young and stubborn. Everything he says always sounds like sarcasm. Most of the time even when he is being genuine, he sounds sarcastic.

Last is Hufflepuff. He is sort of our charity case like Dobby used to be. He lives in the Dobby closet and he does yard work and odd jobs around the house to pay his way. I believe he is the youngest person in the house. He is genuine and nice most of the time, but spacey and persistent in his exaggerations which can be frustrating sometimes. The house as a whole jokingly calls him hufflepuff or Tarantula because of his spacey kind of nature.

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