Friday, September 28, 2012


What a tedious task. We are currently moving or in the process of said moving, however you want to phrase it.
My cats hate moving and are currently slowly losing their minds. Lanfear (The Man's cat), is just very hidey. Although she does complain rather loudly anytime I am near the kitchen probably hoping for comfort in the form of delicious squishy foods. 0.o
Perrin (my cat), on the other hand is very clearly losing his mind. He runs around and makes this very annoying mewling/crying sound. It's even more frustrating because he is such a big cat (like 14 lbs) and makes tiny squealing noises. He won't leave me alone either. Usually he is the perfect evil masterminds kitty. He sits on the arm of the furniture nearby me and purrs while I stroke his fluffy back. He's never much of a cuddlebug, now we are moving all he wants to do is cry and lay on me. O.o I don't know what to do except love him because I know he's just distressed at all our stuff getting packed up again.
It doesn't help we have all this random stuff. I save glass pickle jars and stuff because I hate to throw them out when I can use them. We have 6 giant thermos things, one of them an old style metal one with the spigot for hot coffee. A plastic jar shaped like a cat for cat treats. Giant preserve and pickle jars, wine glasses, shot glasses, weirdly shaped red lobster glasses, assorted knick knacks, for goodness sakes.
Trying to pack the kitchen and I put all the jars and stuff in a box and there is still all this extra space in the box. I'm standing there looking into the box confused as hell "what else should I put in here?" How about some hand towels, and oh look here are some kitchen gloves, oh and a random sewing kit in the cabinet (let me just cram this in here too), oh yea and these boxes of long plastic ziploc bags I got from The Mans grandma, aaaand let me just top it off with this role of tin foil because I don't know where to pack this anyway.
This is why every time we move I pack and unpack the kitchen. Speaking of which I should probably get back to that. O.o

Thursday, September 20, 2012

4 Pet Peeves

I have pet peeves. I think everyone has pet peeves. The toilet paper for example. What side the toilet paper rolls from is a big pet peeve for a lot of people. Another one is how you squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube. I have a list of some of mine to share.

1). Moochers. People that use up all your stuff and never replace it. The kind of person that magically shows up when you've bought the good food and disappears when nothing but ramen is left. They wanna bum a smoke, they want to have a beer, they want to stay for dinner, or they want to go out in the evenings. They never have money and they never bother to replace anything they use. 0.0 We all have at least one friend like that. A lot of times that friend is "good people" he or she is just very stupid with money.

2). Scoopers and double dippers. You know what I mean when you share from a public bowl of dip double dipping and scooping is just rude and kind of gross. When it comes to the scoopers-damn! Save some for everyone else, you only need a little bit to taste it, stop being greedy. As far as double dippers, unless it's you and a "fluid mate" don't double dip. No one wants your saliva in their food, it's disgusting.

3). People that always want some of your food. Doesn't matter if they just ate a giant sub or something like that. If you have a tasty snack they suddenly want some of what you have. Again why be so greedy, can't I eat in peace? I didn't get enough to share I just wanted a snack quit staring at me like a dog begging for food.

4). People that get louder to talk over you because no one is paying attention to them. I'm the kind of person when someone does that to me I stop talking until they shut their pie hole. After that I always say something like "oh where was I? I can't remember since I was interrupted in the middle of a thought". If I'm feeling especially grumpy I'll say "Excuse me, grown-ups are talking".

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Shower thoughts

Everyone has deep thoughts in the shower. At least I think most people do. 0.o I have shower thoughts all the time though so nothing unusual there, accept...I decided to blog from my phone in the shower. It was easier than jumping out and trying to grab paper and something to write with. I was worried I would lose the ideas if I waited. So here I sit in the bottom of the shower because it helps me think
Let's hope I don't drop my phone.
Anyway, I was contemplating gender, sexuality, and preferences. It is something my brain often turns to. I understand everyone has preferences and that's fine by me. Some people like Wasabi peas I think they taste like peppered butthole. Everyone sees things differently.
I am probably one of the most accepting people you'll ever know. I have men that come in dressed as women and my only awkwardness is if they would prefer me to call them ma'am or sir. Everyone deserves to be happy regardless of what sexuality or gender preferences make them happy. If they aren't hurting anyone it isn't anyone elses business. That said: there are still a lot of things I get confused by.
I have met a lot of lesbians, some femme some more on the manly side. Some lesbians dress, walk, talk, and act like men. Is this just a manly lesbian or do they qualify as a form of transvestite? These kinds of questions are things I can't openly ask. I'm only curious but I don't want anyone to think I'm passing judgment.
So anyway, let's say they are the equivalent of grown up tomboys. Okay cool with it. Some other lesbians specifically seek them out or find them particularly attractive. Okay. So basically they want a man with a vagina?
I know. It's probably more complicated than that but it's one of those random things I wonder. The same applies in reverse to gay guys. Then we have transgenders, transvestites, transexuals, bisexuals, and pansexuals. It all gets so confusing. I don't get the labels. People are people.
And creepers don't count. They loaf around and make friends with people. Many times people in a relationship. Then they make uncomfortable innuendo's and stalk them around hoping the relationship will fall apart so they can swoop in and be the hero or heroine. Those aren't real people. They are creepers. An entirely different species. 
I'm not sure anyone likes creepers. They make everyone feel really awkward and then most people won't tell them. Be friends with me, I'll tell you if you're being creepy.
Oh. Wait. Here's a pet peeve of mine. Everyone that mocks furries. They aren't hurting you, what's your problem? They want to be a blue cat in a yellow tutu. So what? Sounds cool to me. Pretend to be somone else or enabling you to be who you are with no fear of judgment. Awesome.
Can I be a cat version of scuba steve? I think that would be neat.
I have ceased with the funny. Was I funny? Probably not. My brain feels like a mummified pea, my toes look like prunes, and my hot water is luke warm. 0.0

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Job Hunting and Stuff.

So I've been bombarding the world with my resume and/or applications. Ideally I would like something I can do from the comfort of my own home. I have all the appropriate equipment. I even have a virtual fax. 0.0

Anyway, I've been seriously contemplating doing all manner of interwebby things for money but who knows how that will go. I have profiles all over the place for jobs, including Monster. I keep getting some junky things from Monster.

Kind of like this. I don't trust someone when the "from" area has a standard email and not a business or something. The "to" doesn't even have my email, and the body requested I send more of my personal information if I was interested. Address, phone number, and a bunch of other stuff. Really now? I wonder sometimes.

Ever watched the movie Idiocracy? It's a smart persons worst nightmare. Scariest horror movie I've ever seen, everywhere I look I see the Idiocracy Apocalypse looming nearer.

The dumb people are breeding like rabbits. Soon it will be the Zombie apocalypse but they aren't dead. Oh no. They are just too stupid to do anything but eat and Sh!t. I'm glad I will be long gone when the day comes people sit in reclining toilet chairs, eating lard, drinking random soft drink from a helmet sippy cup, watching shows like "Jersey Shore The Heir of Snooki".


I was.

Talking about.

JOBS. Forget the stupid people.
Yes. Raging temporarily over. This job hunting is frustrating. I have a job, but I hate it. Anyone that has spent a long time hunting jobs know the "Don't call us we'll call you" line is virtually the kiss of death. I wish I could Ghost Dad people that say that. Squeeze through the phone line and wring their necks. "JUST SAY YOU AREN'T INTERESTED! THE POSITION HAS BEEN FILLED! I DON'T LIKE YOUR FUCKING FACE! ANYTHING! JUST. NOT. THAT!" Meh.

I internet far too much, then hang out with nerds A LOT. I have interweb memes for a vocabulary. ERMAHGERD! Not proper English all the time. Not sorry. No fucks to give today. Fresh out.

Sometimes when I interview and they ask "What are you looking for" or something like that I'm sure I get this look on my face:

To find monkeys. What do you think I'm here for. :|

I know what they actually mean is what am I looking to get out of working for said company besides a paycheck. I'm not sure how people expect a person to interview well if the person doing the interview is a gidget. *Sigh* Now I am just going to inundate you with some of my favorite memes.

Me Gusta

Morgan Freeman Voice (Me Gusta!)

Lame Pun Raccoon (or bad joke Raccoon)

Condescending Wonka

Demotivational Posters! This one has always been my favorite.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cleaning digital and otherwise.

I don't even really know what to say today. I was digging through some folders on my computer and came across one marked Walkenism's. Essentially it was a file of  quotes by Christopher Walken that I like.

I thought I might share those with you. :)

"Words are little bombs, and they have a lot of energy inside them.

There's something dangerous about what's funny. Jarring and disconcerting.
There is a connection between funny and scary.

They say that the human smile is in fact one of those primordial things - that in fact
it's a showing of teeth, that it's a warning.
That when we smile, in a primeval way it has to do with fear,

I love spaghetti. And I like to cook spaghetti. And I used to eat it every day.
I weighed thirty pounds more than I do now. You can't - you can't do that. Ice cream -
I love to watch television and eat ice cream. But that's like a ten-year-old.
I can't do that anymore. Beer. Beer, spaghetti, ice cream.

That's supposed to be a fact, that the question mark is originally from an Egyptian hieroglyph
 that signified a cat walking away. You know, it's the tail. And that symbol meant - well,
 whatever it is when they're ignoring you."

I also found a file labeled "completely random" which was exactly that. Also discovered "Dislikes, My Lols, Hey Gorgeous, Journal, Muse who, pepper lyrics, PJ cute question mark, Home made mocha cappuccino, and Smile Recognition".

I have issues. I have all this stuff but I keep it in files on my desktop. Like this:

I have almost no icons on my desktop and that is because I keep everything so very organized in folders inside of other folders marked with other folders. I hope I am not the only person like this. For some reason keeping my desktop clear of junk makes me feel like a cleaner person.

Speaking of clean, I can never seem to keep up with the mess in the house. I'm not a sloppy person really, there is just junk all over the place that I can never seem to find a place for. Inevitably I get to a point where I go on a wild spree and spend a day cleaning everything up and making the house tidy. After which I always misplace something, usually something I found and thought "oh I haven't used this in months I probably won't need it" and then I place it in some obscure place I would never think to look for it. A few days after my cleaning spree the house is still tidy but now I need that object that I placed in some random place and now do not remember where it is.

I wish life could be like my desktop but that would be a lot of work and I don't feel like labeling everything in my house. If I had a neat label machine that was like a price tagger I would probably do it then. There is nothing better than running around with a sticky label machine, pulling the trigger, and sticking labels on everything.

Which reminds me of a funny story about a place I used to work...but I'll save it for another time. :D