Friday, September 28, 2012


What a tedious task. We are currently moving or in the process of said moving, however you want to phrase it.
My cats hate moving and are currently slowly losing their minds. Lanfear (The Man's cat), is just very hidey. Although she does complain rather loudly anytime I am near the kitchen probably hoping for comfort in the form of delicious squishy foods. 0.o
Perrin (my cat), on the other hand is very clearly losing his mind. He runs around and makes this very annoying mewling/crying sound. It's even more frustrating because he is such a big cat (like 14 lbs) and makes tiny squealing noises. He won't leave me alone either. Usually he is the perfect evil masterminds kitty. He sits on the arm of the furniture nearby me and purrs while I stroke his fluffy back. He's never much of a cuddlebug, now we are moving all he wants to do is cry and lay on me. O.o I don't know what to do except love him because I know he's just distressed at all our stuff getting packed up again.
It doesn't help we have all this random stuff. I save glass pickle jars and stuff because I hate to throw them out when I can use them. We have 6 giant thermos things, one of them an old style metal one with the spigot for hot coffee. A plastic jar shaped like a cat for cat treats. Giant preserve and pickle jars, wine glasses, shot glasses, weirdly shaped red lobster glasses, assorted knick knacks, for goodness sakes.
Trying to pack the kitchen and I put all the jars and stuff in a box and there is still all this extra space in the box. I'm standing there looking into the box confused as hell "what else should I put in here?" How about some hand towels, and oh look here are some kitchen gloves, oh and a random sewing kit in the cabinet (let me just cram this in here too), oh yea and these boxes of long plastic ziploc bags I got from The Mans grandma, aaaand let me just top it off with this role of tin foil because I don't know where to pack this anyway.
This is why every time we move I pack and unpack the kitchen. Speaking of which I should probably get back to that. O.o

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