Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cleaning digital and otherwise.

I don't even really know what to say today. I was digging through some folders on my computer and came across one marked Walkenism's. Essentially it was a file of  quotes by Christopher Walken that I like.

I thought I might share those with you. :)

"Words are little bombs, and they have a lot of energy inside them.

There's something dangerous about what's funny. Jarring and disconcerting.
There is a connection between funny and scary.

They say that the human smile is in fact one of those primordial things - that in fact
it's a showing of teeth, that it's a warning.
That when we smile, in a primeval way it has to do with fear,

I love spaghetti. And I like to cook spaghetti. And I used to eat it every day.
I weighed thirty pounds more than I do now. You can't - you can't do that. Ice cream -
I love to watch television and eat ice cream. But that's like a ten-year-old.
I can't do that anymore. Beer. Beer, spaghetti, ice cream.

That's supposed to be a fact, that the question mark is originally from an Egyptian hieroglyph
 that signified a cat walking away. You know, it's the tail. And that symbol meant - well,
 whatever it is when they're ignoring you."

I also found a file labeled "completely random" which was exactly that. Also discovered "Dislikes, My Lols, Hey Gorgeous, Journal, Muse who, pepper lyrics, PJ cute question mark, Home made mocha cappuccino, and Smile Recognition".

I have issues. I have all this stuff but I keep it in files on my desktop. Like this:

I have almost no icons on my desktop and that is because I keep everything so very organized in folders inside of other folders marked with other folders. I hope I am not the only person like this. For some reason keeping my desktop clear of junk makes me feel like a cleaner person.

Speaking of clean, I can never seem to keep up with the mess in the house. I'm not a sloppy person really, there is just junk all over the place that I can never seem to find a place for. Inevitably I get to a point where I go on a wild spree and spend a day cleaning everything up and making the house tidy. After which I always misplace something, usually something I found and thought "oh I haven't used this in months I probably won't need it" and then I place it in some obscure place I would never think to look for it. A few days after my cleaning spree the house is still tidy but now I need that object that I placed in some random place and now do not remember where it is.

I wish life could be like my desktop but that would be a lot of work and I don't feel like labeling everything in my house. If I had a neat label machine that was like a price tagger I would probably do it then. There is nothing better than running around with a sticky label machine, pulling the trigger, and sticking labels on everything.

Which reminds me of a funny story about a place I used to work...but I'll save it for another time. :D

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