Monday, November 19, 2012

Not Down With The Sickness.

I have a cold. A sucky one that involves a stuffy nose, mouth breathing, dry coughing, snoring, headaches, and really dry chapped lips. I hate life right now. I'm grateful I got all my school work done earlier in the weekend so I have a little less to work on. The troll hive is born and growing, everyone else got sick starting with The Man first. Apparently, I finally got what everyone else had. :( I've also had really bad gas. One of my roommates said it sounded like something from the exorcist. Like when the girl is sitting in the bed and her head starts spinning while she growls. Kind of like that only from my butt. I said excuse me reflexively but it still sounded horrendous enough she looked startled as hell.
I've been camping on the couch because the bathroom on my floor doesn't work yet. Being sick I like to stay close to the bathroom because it sucks being weak and having to walk up and down stairs. So yes, there is the update on my life at the moment. 0.o

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Birthing of The Troll Hive

So, The Man and I are all moved in for the most part. We have two other couples moved in already. They've been here for the past few weeks. Finally managed to get a good chunk of the main floor cleaned.

It is interesting thus far, much trolling has ensued. At one point a few housemates and friends were discussing all the time we lose doing things like sleeping and sitting on the toilet. So I suggested you spend a little less time sleeping, and a little less time on the toilet. Exchange this new found time for masturbating and life will seem a lot better. :|

Apparently on a car drive the male half of one of the couples was saying he liked pink because it gave him sexual gratification. Everyone in the car heard "pig" instead of pink, which happens to be the name of their pet border terrier. 0.0 tonight at dinner the female half of said couple jokingly said something along the lines of having eaten the dog so her husband could no longer have it for sexual gratification.

You have to understand though that all of this is generally said with much sputtering and laughter. Just in case anyone reads this and tries to be offended no one in the house is into bestiality or eating pets. Although, I think that big white cat roaming around outside would make some good teriyaki on a stick.
I'm only joking. Lighten up. :D

There are 3 floors here and one bathroom per floor. The one on the top floor with me is not in working order right now so I have to go downstairs in the morning to pee. It kind of sucks running down a flight of stairs with a painfully full bladder. What sucks more is if I get to the main floor and that bathroom is occupied. Running down two flights of stairs with a painfully full bladder will bruise it and make it tender for the rest of the day. By painfully full I mean the kind of pee where there is full on stream for a two minute minimum and it usually keeps going.

My cats are getting along famously with the little pup, pig. They even play as much as a giant, fat, orange cat, and a diva of a tuxedo are willing to play anyway. It is really very comical. Perrin, my giant ginger butt, usually trots when he runs, but when he chases pig he spreads his legs out and does this loping waddle which emphasizes his fatness. Lanfear, the spoiled diva tends to run around in circles as thougb she is confused and then jumps up onto the furniture and pretends she wasn't playing with the dog at all.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Insomniac Caffeine Powers Activate!

To start, let me share a Screen Cap with you, and then I will ramble at you aimlessly.

Today I'm sharing the visitors by country tab. It amuses me. As expected most of the people that have visited my blog live in America. What amuses me is that the second largest number on that list is Russia. Which by the way, I think is awesome. I've never been there and I don't know a lot mind you. I've read books on Rasputin and the royal family of the time, but beyond that I don't know very much. Oh. I also forgot to mention Vitas. Probably the single greatest reason I like Russia despite not knowing anything about it. If you don't know who that is I will refer you to The Man With His Crazy Voice.

First off, for me the feel of the video was hilarious, second (aside from that smug grin) this guy is extremely attractive to me for some reason, third, his vocals are actually really good. I listen to this video on loop for hours at a time. Just like a lot of the never ending songs such as Chicken on a Raft, or a lot of the loop songs from Weebl's Stuff. I'm on a chicken on a raft binge now. I managed to get my friends addicted to it when I first found it. For about a week any time someone said Hi-oh, everyone would respond with "chicken on a raft". Pretty great really.

Actually, we are that way with a lot of songs, someone starts to sing it and the rest carry it around. 

The one right after Russia is Germany, I like that one too. The Man's mother and Grandmother were born and raised in Germany. The Man's Grandma cooks stuff that is so delicious you would find a way to flap your arms and fly to Germany for just one more taste.

Just like the mad hatter said to change places. It's actually a recurring theme in my life now that I think about it. Everyone has symbols they kind of pick out for themselves. I have the moon, the Cheshire cat (the crescent moon looks like his smile), and the constellation Orion. I'm not sure why I stuck with these but I always have. The Alice in Wonderland is something that always makes appearances in my poetry, my dreams, stories I write, mannerisms. I'm just random, I suppose it suits me best. "Change places he shouts, and I do". <--a line from a poem I wrote. I have problems.

I'm kind of an insomniac and my mind keeps hopping around so this spur of the moment blog seems to be following suite. Still listening to chicken on a raft, the website logs it at about 15 minutes. 0.o I was contemplating the stats page and when I was staring at it I was pleased to note that my views jumped up to 1117, I don't know why that made me so pleased. I suppose I just like to feel as though I am making some kind of impact. These types of things are much funnier when you can actually see and interact with me because I come out with the most random of things. Sometimes I start singing, I make a stupid face or gesture, mishear things. You miss a lot of that on a written page, it comes across as more forced rather than the true to life transcript it is.I was thinking about showing some Omegle logs of me trolling people but maybe I will save that for another day.