Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Birthing of The Troll Hive

So, The Man and I are all moved in for the most part. We have two other couples moved in already. They've been here for the past few weeks. Finally managed to get a good chunk of the main floor cleaned.

It is interesting thus far, much trolling has ensued. At one point a few housemates and friends were discussing all the time we lose doing things like sleeping and sitting on the toilet. So I suggested you spend a little less time sleeping, and a little less time on the toilet. Exchange this new found time for masturbating and life will seem a lot better. :|

Apparently on a car drive the male half of one of the couples was saying he liked pink because it gave him sexual gratification. Everyone in the car heard "pig" instead of pink, which happens to be the name of their pet border terrier. 0.0 tonight at dinner the female half of said couple jokingly said something along the lines of having eaten the dog so her husband could no longer have it for sexual gratification.

You have to understand though that all of this is generally said with much sputtering and laughter. Just in case anyone reads this and tries to be offended no one in the house is into bestiality or eating pets. Although, I think that big white cat roaming around outside would make some good teriyaki on a stick.
I'm only joking. Lighten up. :D

There are 3 floors here and one bathroom per floor. The one on the top floor with me is not in working order right now so I have to go downstairs in the morning to pee. It kind of sucks running down a flight of stairs with a painfully full bladder. What sucks more is if I get to the main floor and that bathroom is occupied. Running down two flights of stairs with a painfully full bladder will bruise it and make it tender for the rest of the day. By painfully full I mean the kind of pee where there is full on stream for a two minute minimum and it usually keeps going.

My cats are getting along famously with the little pup, pig. They even play as much as a giant, fat, orange cat, and a diva of a tuxedo are willing to play anyway. It is really very comical. Perrin, my giant ginger butt, usually trots when he runs, but when he chases pig he spreads his legs out and does this loping waddle which emphasizes his fatness. Lanfear, the spoiled diva tends to run around in circles as thougb she is confused and then jumps up onto the furniture and pretends she wasn't playing with the dog at all.

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