Monday, September 1, 2014

Shall We Date? Ninja Assassin: Wakasa

I really like Wakasa. He has a complicated type of personality but seems to be generally sweet and attentive. There are only 11 chapters to his story and the last one is the ending of your choice. So far I only have the normal ending and then I am going to try for the sweet ending. After that the happy ending should be a cake walk. ^_^ Purple is chapter, Green is option, Blue is result. I only got two types of results so far Intimacy up a lot!, and Intimacy up a little... I'll try and keep this updated as I go along. Right now I have notes of where the pictures are but not necessarily if there are specific answer requirements (It's hard to tell on the first play through).

Chapter 1
Of course! Intimacy up
Not sure...

I force myself not to.
No, I don't. Intimacy up
Chapter 2
I'd hate to...Intimacy up
Please stop!

Stop! Intimacy up
(What to do?) 

Chapter 3
I enjoy my job! Intimacy up

You're mistaken! Intimacy up
Chapter 4
Is that so?
It doesn't seem to be? Intimacy up

I'm his assistant  Up a little
What kind of relationship?

Chapter 5
Is that okay?
Please wait! Intimacy up

You really did!  Up a little
Not really...

Chapter 6 
No. Intimacy up
A little.

I don't know.
Okay...  Intimacy up

Chapter 7
It's nothing...
Actually... Up a little

I don't understand
I think that's good  Up a litte

Chapter 8
We're not!
Actually... Intimacy up

I'm Fine!
I'm sorry. Up a little

Chapter 9
I think you deceived him Up a little
Your expression is so obvious

I did think it.
N-No I didn't! Up a little

Chapter 10
(Picture!) (Picture!)
But will that work...?
Okay... Intimacy up

Not Yet...
Yes.  Intimacy up
Chapter 11  
The ending of your choice! <3<3<3 You get images for Happy and Sweet endings but not for the normal one (-_-).

Shall We Date? Lost Island+: Ichiro Sakaki

Now I will be honest here, as a 28 year old woman I do get a bit tired of the young pretty boys. I like Ichiro because he is a mature looking older fellow who has a boyish charm. So far, he is probably my favorite character. <3 Purple for chapter, Green for option, Blue for result. I'm having a hard time with his because what he wants is out of my natural character. The changes in the love meter are: Love meter went up a lot, love meter remains the same. There may be more but those are the ones I have seen so far. ^_^

Chapter 1
 Not really...
Well kind of... Remains the same

Please stop.
That tickles! Remains the same

Chapter 2
A date!
We just got separated Love meter went up!

Don't you want to know? Remains the same
Yeah, you're right. 

Chapter 3
I'm going too Love meter went up!
Wait and see what happens

I'm a little tired.
I'm alright. Love meter went up!

Chapter 4
Look at Mr. Sakaki
Squeeze his hand back Remains the same

I'll be fine
I can rest later Remains the same

Chapter 5
Good night
I'll put on some tea Love meter went up!

Are you alright? Love meter went up!
It's nothing 

Chapter 6
Now is not the time for such behavior
I'm glad you're safe too Love meter went up!

What can we do to help Love meter went up!
We should probably do something about those two 

Chapter 7
Not a wink. Love meter went up!
Well, not exactly...

I don't know if it's the right time for that...
Come to think of it, we haven't eaten lately. Love meter went up!

Chapter 8

Shall We Date? Scarlet Fate +: Furutsugu

This game is a bit tricky because some of the answers don't influence the love meter, they just change what happens after the choice. As I continue playing I will continue updating. ^_^ Purple is chapter, Green is option, Blue is result (spoilers). You made great choices! means the love meter has increased

Chapter 1
Don't need a reason No meter change (Gentoka calls you a liar though D:)

Find Gentoka
Find Akifusa No meter change (You find Akifusa :P)
Chapter 2
Talk to Gentoka No meter change
Talk to Kuso

Go practice with Sword (You find Akifusa)
Go find ancient texts (You find Kuso)
See what Furutsugu is up to You made great choices! (Furutsugu flirts with you).
Chapter 3
Go to Toshi Temple
Go toward riverbed No meter change (You find Furutsugu playing the flute)

Help Gentoka
Help Furutsugu You made great choices! (you also get a CG of a fighting Furutsugu)
Help Akifusa 
Chapter 4
It's my...fate No meter change (The other character is clearly frustrated with you).

Go look for Gentoka
Go look for Furutsugu You made great choices! (You look for a long time)
Go look for Akifusa
Chapter 5

Shall We Date? Angel Or Devil: Raug

I am currently playing this character and decided to keep track of my answers to help other people out. As I play the game through each time I will detail the walkthrough better with each pass :) I hope it helps. So far it seems like Raug likes a decisive take-charge kind of woman which works for me because that is exactly what I am. ^_^ Purple marks new chapter, Green is option, Blue is result.

Chapter 1
I can't think of any.  Close!
There isn't enough time!

Put me Down
Take me Home Brilliant!
Chapter 2
Shout "Stop!" Brilliant!
Run Away

Why should I?
You should apologize Brilliant!
Chapter 3
Tell Raug what happened Brilliant!
Keep quiet

I won't go to the underworld
Don't Bother me Brilliant!

Chapter 4 
Is he interested in my brother?
Is he hitting on me? Brilliant!

It was a lot of fun
I wonder if we could meet again? Close!

Chapter 5
Turn away Brilliant!
Give in

Follow him out
Refuse the invite Brilliant!

Chapter 6
Yell "Stop!"
Protect the bat Brilliant!

Go with the reaper
Stay there Brilliant!

Chapter 7
Tend to his wound Brilliant!
Worry about what to do

I don't know
What's Raug's intentions? Brilliant!

Chapter 8 
Talk about the food
Talk about the picture Close!

I want to be with Raug Brilliant!
I can't decide 

Chapter 9
Leave the room
Go down the stairs Brilliant!

Take his hand
Hug him Brilliant!

Chapter 10
No, take me with you.. Brilliant!

I believe with some of the free games even if you get all Brilliant! answers you may still need an item to increase the love meter for the sweet ending. I'll keep updating and we shall see. ^_^


So. There is a lot going on. Mr. Bubbles moved out, the ladies moved out, now we have The Nord and Pixie and their little prince. We have Dobby and his lady whom I have not named. Hot Pocket, Iron Man and The Beard, and a new couple also not yet names. The Man and I have ourselves and our cats Perrin and Lanfear, we also took in a cat who belongs to a good friend of ours. This cat's name is Ted, he's a pretty goofy cat. I got a two week vacation between classes which is now coming to an end. I used this vacation to beat the first Borderlands, and Zelda: A link between worlds, and I am about halfway through Borderlands 2. You probably aren't aware but for months I have been increasing the games I play daily and right now that list is up to 10 games. The first one is Deadmans Cross. I really like it, it is a cross between a card battling game and a zombie game. Post apocalyptic you play as a man who is coming out of his house after three months of being locked inside because of government warnings. When you come out the first person to help and teach you (The Tutorial) is an a-hole of a kid named Oliver. There are a lot of internet references in the game so it has it's comical parts. It's definitely worth trying.if you find that interesting my invite code is XVENUTC so come kill zombies with me.

The other 9 games I play are by a company called NTT Solmare. They have a series of Otome games called "Shall We Date?" that I find particularly enjoyable. I play these games

My Sweet Prince
Destiny Ninja
Ninja Love+
Magic Sword
Angel or Devil
Scarlet Fate+
Lost Island+
Ninja Assassin
Mononoke Kiss

As a note, I only play the free versions and I rarely buy anything with real money. The game mechanics are essentially the same for each game. There are activities you can do using a set of points that raise your charm or appeal level. They renew one point every 3 to 15 minutes depending on the game. Then you have energy points (Between 4 and 5 depending on the game), with these you can read portions of the story for the male character you have chosen. You gain 1 energy every 4 HOURS! Annoying but I find the stories are worth it. You generally have three types of checkpoints, an item checkpoint, an enemy checkpoint, and a charm or appeal level checkpoint. In most of the games you also have an avatar which you can dress and each item of clothing will increase charm level. There are a lot of other details that one should know but it is best to play the tutorial and find out. There are some instances where the English is not quite right, and some repetitive language but the stories are really good! In four of the games they released new characters. <3 I decided to write walkthroughs as I played them so I am going to do four more posts today, one for each character. I will also try to update those as frequently as possible. :)