Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Strange Happenings

Thought I might share a story with you. Maybe more if I feel like it. Alright, so if you don't already know I work in a convenience store, I'm kind of a register jockey but a little bit of everything really. I have to deal with large amounts of people on a regular basis.

I believe it was Sunday morning, this Sunday just past. I was working the 9 to 5 shift and this lady ran up to the counter holding a gallon of 2 percent milk. She slides it up on the counter and stares at me anxiously as I ring the milk up. I ask her if she wants to use debit or credit it and she cringes like I've startled her. I thought perhaps she just hadn't woken up yet-you know-not had the morning coffee or what have you. She says credit and fumbles her card through the machine. I give her a receipt to sign and a copy for herself. This is where it gets odd.

Instead of signing her receipt she says "The milk is always bad here" only she kind of rambles it all out in one word really fast "THEMILKISALWAYSBADHERE". I look at her confused and I check the date, it was marked for the 30th a good 12 days from that Sunday. I tell her it looks okay.

She still hasn't signed her credit receipt. She says it all Speedy Gonzales like again, then cracks the gallon open and starts sniffing it. At this point I'm already thinking she's crazy, why would you keep buying milk from the same place if it is always bad? So she insists I smell the milk because "it smells bitter" only again more Speedy Gonzales "ITSMELLSBITTER". So I pull the now open gallon of milk over and smell it. The milk was perfectly good, there were no odors at all. She was not pleased to hear I smelled nothing.

At this point she gets even weirder. She grabs this open gallon of two percent milk off the counter and swigs out of the bottle. Then promptly makes a whiskey face and says "THISMILKISBADITTASTESBITTER" (this milk is bad it tastes bitter), I tell her "Ma'am I didn't smell anything and it's in date I'm not sure what you want me to do". So she starts insisting I taste the milk. First of all I don't know where this crazy ladies mouth has been, second of all she just swigged out of that bottle like I used to swig rum, there was no way in hell I was going to taste that milk. 

The manager is still in so I tell her to hang on a second and let me go ask him what I should do in this situation. You have to think, as far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with this milk, the lady is a nut-job, and I can't sell it to anyone else because she opened it and drank straight from the jug.

So I go get the manager and tell him something's up and he comes to talk to her himself. She does the same thing to him. Speedy Gonzales the milk is bad, it smells bitter, it tastes bitter, taste the milk. We are left with no choice but to refund the crazy milk lady her money.

After all this I have to convince her she needs to sign the first receipt that she never signed, and then I have to explain that I'll need to refund it through her credit card, which also prints a receipt she needed to sign. She didn't kick up a fuss about it but she did go back into the weird, spacey, anxious state she was in when I startled her with "Debit or Credit".

When she left I have to say we certainly laughed about the situation but I am still very confused what was wrong with this lady. I'm grateful she was-at the very least-not belligerent.

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